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The end of the year is almost upon us which means its time to start thinking about the new year. If you’re anything like me, I don’t go for new year’s resolutions as such. Instead, I set goals. These goals give me something to aim for over the next year.

One of my goals is to ensure I am making my designs as innovative, future-proof and adaptable as possible. While this has always been on my mind, its at times like now, where technology is moving at an incomprehensible pace, that this is even more important. I am always looking for ways to include new, innovative technology into my designs to ensure I am always a step ahead of others, which is why I am looking to include more smart home automation into my designs… but not just any automation, I recommend Quantify’s smart home solution.

Quantify’s solution is any interior designer’s dream. It looks gorgeous and fits any design, but more than that, it’s an adaptable solution that can be upgraded and modified as needed in the future. Quantify’s solution includes sleek and stylish devices that replace your standard light switch or power point. These devices communicate with each other via WiFi, meaning no extra wiring is needed. You can also control your home via app or voice (with the Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa), as well.

If you want to upgrade from WiFi to 5G or if your lifestyle changes down the track, whatever it may be, Quantify’s solution can adapt with you.  You can even change the colour of the glass Touch Panels to something different, if your interiors change.

I also recommend Quantify because you can get a great user experience out of it. You can set up scenes or special automations to suit you, such as “hello” or “goodbye” scenes, or even “movie time”, “date night” or “party time”. You pick what happens with your home when these scenes are activated, and you can change them as you need. It’s also the small things like saving power, that makes a big difference as well, where you can turn off all power points and lights with one button or one voice command as you leave home, instead of walking around the house and turning off every light or power point. Talk about saving time, money and energy!

I’ve installed Quantify’s solution into my Hamptons farmhouse and I can’t wait to use it. Usually I’d leave my husband, Mark, to do all the technology work, but I’m looking forward to playing with it myself and customising my own scenes.

This is the smart home solution that should be on your list to include into your next home or renovation in the new year. So, what are you waiting for?

You can find out more about Quantify and my partnership with them, here >